What land usage will be needed for these batteries. Has this been factored into the analysis? Will this be a constraining factor?

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Thats going to need a huge amount of batteries. We have 5GWh currently a cold winter day we still use nearly 900GWh and thats before increased electrification if transport and heat. Even the current build out will only get us to c25GWh by 2028. Govt needs to seriously change policy on batts and other long term storage otherwise its pointless over building solar.

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well there's a huge amount of batteries in the pipeline - a lot more than your source suggests https://www.edina.eu/news/uk-battery-energy-storage-pipeline-exceeds-95gw#:

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MODO have this take on short term build out which i was using. My take remains is any new solar should have been matched with at 2hr batt capacity to receive subsidies.


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